Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Sum May Be Greater Than The Parts - Nature vs Chemsitry

Over the years I’ve straddled the fence between pragmatic science versus subtle holistic wellness methods. It seems like you can only belong in one camp or the other. For the most part — they are at odds with one another. That dichotomy seems to be a shame and awfully limiting. In the area of medicinal drugs and psychopharmacology, hard science struggles with the placebo effect. The limits of science can’t explain the peculiar, often times equal, efficacy of sugar pills. But, you can’t patent a sugar pill. You can’t make money from things that aren’t patented.

In the drug world, finding what works and isolating it; making it purer, stronger, longer lasting and more effective is the drive behind the goal of “improvement.” In the process, all the things that might have existed in a natural state are either relatively or completely eliminated. Nature’s grand design that once included local artifacts, inactive buffers, or seemingly meaningless constituents are discarded as not relevant to the purification goal.

Why does almost every psychotropic drug that is offered have unintended effects almost identical to the symptoms that are trying to be medicated? Almost every culture has long standing remedies for aliments. Those remedies stood the test of time and crossed over many unexpected cultural lines. Those natural remedies might note have been extremely potent, or patentable, or easy to handle, or store… but they typically didn’t come with a host of parallel symptomology to what was trying to be cured.

It would be interesting if portions of big pharma budget could consistently go toward research targeting natural, folk based remedies. There is no corporate gain or profit in it; so, it won’t happen. I wonder what the outcome of rigid research would be that focused on finding natural, effective, affordable solutions to symptom resolution and cures. I bet that in a lot of situations, natural or homeopathic remedies might fair as well as pharmaceuticals especially when taking into account adverse reactions and unintended effects. Especially if the study replaced the sugar pill placebo with a non-lab based alternative and then looked at efficacy.

What nature has to offer may show that the sum may be greater than the parts.

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