Monday, February 19, 2018

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy to Enhance Your Session

Wishing Wellness Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
Some of our clients ask about our philosophy in the use of essential oils and aromatherapy for our massage, bodywork and energy sessions.

We always are very specific in our choice of base oils, essential oil body blends or aromatherapy oils and we use custom blended oils exclusively. Unlike some massage and bodywork providers, we don't charge any extra fees for this. The ingredients and blends that we create are designed to enhance the specific session type to make the experience an even deeper and better one.

We are also very particular in the base or raw ingredients that we use to make up our aromatic blends. We source pesticide and phthalate free, organic products. When we choose to create a specific blend, we focus on the type of session and the adaptogenic qualities of the oils and ingredients. Adaptogenic qualities are something unique to the study of herbals. An adaptogen has the quality of balancing out something. This is true whether the body is in excess of something, or lacking something.

This concept is not readily understood in Western culture or allopathic medicine where people take things to address a specific issue for a single specific outcome.  With an adaptogen, as an example, a specific herb (or an extract such as oil) has the ability to help a person balance out their energy - this is true for a person who may have low energy (depressed), or another person who has high energy (anxiety). The same herb (oil) can affect two very different extremes. That is what is interesting about adaptogens - they simply help bring something into balance from either direction. We place a special emphasis on adaptogenic oils and herbs in our blends.

In our base oils we also include ingredients that are generally known to help improve skin quality, reduce cellulitis and improve skin tone. Our therapeutic blends include a variety of oils and extracts to assist with absorption by the skin tissue and reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.

Research has shown that certain oils have an hormonal affect.  Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the mainstream oil constituents that you may have heard a lot about. Oils are actually precursors to hormones (eicosanoids) - that means that you need to metabolize certain oils or fatty acids in order to adequately balance hormone levels.

Similarly, we are very picky about the aromatherapy oils we use and the blends that we create for our sessions. The sense of smell (olfactory sense) is a very strong process that can quickly affect our thoughts, emotions and energy. The sensory and nervous system pathway from the nose to the brain is very direct. This very direct path exists as a primitive survival mechanism - we want to know early and quickly if we are in danger of being in a fire (by smelling smoke) or avoid eating putrid food that could make us very ill. Likewise, can you recall a time when you smelled a subtle hint of a scent of home cooked bread, or a certain flower, and found yourself quickly recalling past memories or good feelings? We leverage this human trait to help facilitate relaxation and peacefulness in order to enhance overall wellness.

As you probably tell, we've given a lot of thought to all that goes into our sessions. We want you to have the best experience possible and do whatever we can to make that happen. If you have more questions about our base oils, essential oils, herbal extracts or aromatherapy usage. Please feel free to  ask us any questions. For more information about Wishing Wellness, please see our website.   


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